E. M. Corpus’ Art Accepted to Monterey Museum of Art Inaugural Biennial Exhibition
My painting has been accepted to be among the work of 122 California Central Coast artists in the inaugural Monterey Museum of Art Biennial exhibition, Resonance and Reflection.
I was delighted and honored to learn that my painting As Above, So Below (Homage to Albrecht Dürer and Hilma af Klint) has been accepted to be among the work of more than fifty artists representing Monterey County in the first Monterey Museum of Art Biennial exhibition, Resonance and Reflection.
Along with Monterey County, California Central Coast artists from Fresno, Kern, Kings, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and San Luis Obispo Counties will participate, with one hundred twenty-two artists exhibiting in total. The exhibition will run from May 15 to August 31, 2025. I’ll post further details as exhibition time approaches.
E M Corpus at Galerie Artax’ First Show of 2025: Childhood Nostalgia
I’m among the six artists chosen for the Childhood Nostalgia exhibition at Galerie Artax in Fremont, California. Please join us!
I’m delighted and honored to be among the six artists chosen for Childhood Nostalgia at Galerie Artax in Fremont, California. Please join us!
My entry into this group exhibition consists of nine pen-and-ink drawings which I created as proof-of-concept illustrations for my as yet unpublished semi-autobiographical graphic novel or memoir.
WHEN: Opening date and Artists’ Reception is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 2025
between 12 and 3:00 PM. We would love to see you there.
WHERE: Galerie Artax
37729 Niles Blvd.,
Fremont, California 94536
The Childhood Nostalgia exhibition runs from March 1 through March 29, 2025.
E. M. Corpus’ Political Art Featured In Online Exhibitions
Las Laguna Gallery and Artkill Catskill have chosen two of my more explicitly political artworks for online exhibitions through April 2025.
I’m delighted that two of my more explicitly political artworks are featured online through April 2025.
Las Laguna Gallery, located at 577 S. Coast Hwy, Unit A-1, Laguna Beach, California, is hosting the Politics and Art 2024 online group exhibition. I’m grateful that the gallery chose Pretty In Pink, a pastel work inspired by my outrage over the Trump administration's policy of separating migrant children from their families. This exhibition will run through April 30, 2025.
Artkill Catskill is a magazine featuring artists and creators throughout the Catskill Region of southeastern New York and Pennsylvania. Artkill Catskill’s Instagram is running a Political Art online exhibition that includes 451 Degree Fahrenheit, a charcoal, acrylic, and collage mixed media piece that references book banning and censorship in the U.S. The exhibition runs through April 15, 2025.
E M Corpus at The Fall Art Competition at Walter Lee Avery Gallery
I’ll be participating in the Fall Art Competition at the Walter Lee Avery Gallery with two paintings, one of which is being shown in public for the first time.
Paintings, photography and sculpture by competition artists will be on display. We’d love to see you here.
I’m participating in the Fall Art Competition at the Walter Lee Avery Gallery with two paintings, one of which will be displayed in public for the first time.
Paintings, photography, and sculpture by forty-seven competition artists are on display.
WHEN: Opening date and Artists’ Reception is scheduled for Friday, November 22, 2024
between 7 and 8:30 PM, with music and refreshments. We would love to see you there.
WHERE: The Walter Lee Avery Gallery at City of Seaside City Hall
440 Harcourt Avenue,
Seaside, California 93955.
UPDATE: On November 24 my paintings Ovid’s Medusa and Medusa In the Shadow of Athena won 1st Place and Honorable Mention respectively in the 2D Paintings category.
Political Art: King Sisyphus In the Underworld
Apropos of the historic moment of the November 5, 2024, United States elections, I’m reposting this painting from 2019 of a miserable creature caught in his own private hell.
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a tyrant king who killed visitors as arbitrary demonstrations of his power, a violation of the sacred traditions of hospitality. Hades, god of the dead and king of the Underworld, condemned Sisyphus to roll a huge boulder endlessly up a steep hill in the Underworld. The boulder would always roll away from Sisyphus before he reached the top, consigning him to unending frustration at the futility of his efforts as a punishment for his crimes and hubris.
Apropos of the historic moment of the November 5, 2024, United States elections, I’m reposting this painting from 2019 of a miserable creature caught in his own private hell. In the way Percy Shelley’s poem Ozymandias has outlived the ancient monarch in its title, I hope that this painting of the myth of Sisyphus outlives the miserable creature I used as reference for it.
Political Art: Frog Soup
Remember: As POTUS, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accords. Do you believe the billionaire tech bros who back Trump / Vance - the Elon Musks, Peter Thiels, Larry Ellisons, etc. - will lead the corporate pivot to sustainable practices that don't fit with their model of financial and political gain?
Continuing my re-post of overtly political art in the run-up to the November 5, 2024 election:
Frog Soup 11 x 11-inch acrylic painting on primed illustration board mounted on wood cradle.
Yes, I know the frogs-in-the-pot story is an urban myth. Yet it's still a great visual metaphor for the state of public awareness regarding the boiling hot water in.
In a special report in BioScience The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth a consortium of climate scientists state, “We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis.”
They're alarmed to the point of panic - note the words "irreversible" "global emergency" and "unpredictable" about the rapid changes all across the Earth — far beyond the nastiest predictions of even a few years ago: the approaching collapse of the Atlantic Ocean’s currents; acceleration of warming beyond previous forecasts; shocking decline in wildlife populations; burning down of the Amazonian and Australian rain forests, etcetera ad nauseam.
The mainstream media gives superficial lip service to "climate change", yet avoids and downplays the brutal severity of what is happening all around us, critical news impacting our immediate future, our children’s future, and that of most life on Earth. You would hardly know we're in the process of killing every wild organism on the planet, converting the biosphere into a sterile, technocratic monoculture that will no longer support complex life, including human beings.
Remember: As POTUS, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accords. Do you believe the billionaire tech bros who back Trump / Vance - the Elon Musks, Peter Thiels, Larry Ellisons, etc. - will lead the corporate pivot to sustainable practices that don't fit with their model of financial and political gain?
Dr. Suzy Adra Interviews Ed on YouTube
Intuitive artist, yogini and author Suzy Adra, PhD interviewed me on October 11, 2024. You can view our discussion on YouTube.
Intuitive artist, yogini and author Suzy Adra, PhD interviewed me on October 11, 2024. We had a wide-ranging conversation about a few of my paintings, artistic inspiration, process, and returning to the flow after creative blocks. You can view our discussion on YouTube:
Conversation with California based Magical Realist Figurative Painter
Political Art: Pretty In Pink
'Pretty In Pink' is a 16x20-inch pastel painting I made in outrage over the Trump administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. I'm continuing to post my overtly political art in the run up to the November 5, 2024 election.
'Pretty In Pink' is a 16x20-inch pastel painting I made in outrage over the Trump administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. It's based on current migrant detention camps at that border. I'm continuing to post my overtly political art in the run up to the November 5, 2024 election. If Trump and the authors of Project 2025 have their way, it won't only be illegal immigrants subject to mass deportation behind fences like these.
Even before Trump was elected in 2016 I knew he was fascist when a Latino man was assaulted at a 2015 campaign rally, Trump did nothing to stop it. In later rallies, he incited his followers to "rough up" protesters. Today he continues to use the language of violence and authoritarianism. Yet back in 2015 the use of "fascist" as a descriptor was deemed in the press and oh-so-polite society as extreme, overly emotional, and hyperbolic. Now in 2024, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley (ret.) called Trump "fascist to the core". How could the pundits and commentators be so late in realizing this?
Hermann Göring (or Goering) was the #2 Nazi behind Hitler. At his 1946 trial at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, he not only attempted to justify his actions but stated how easy it was to manipulate people based on fear of "the Other", Jews, Communists, Romas, etc., a sentiment proven in the present day by Fox News and other instruments of disinformation.
The uniforms of the Nazi SS, the Schutzstaffel-Black Corps-Deaths Head Corps ad nauseam, were intended to intimidate, instill shock and awe with their appearance. If not for their ability to inflict destruction and misery, such men and those who admire them are pathetic and ridiculous individuals.
Political Art: Neue Sturmabteilung
Remember that the Republican candidate for President stated that among the brownshirts of today are “some very fine people”.
Neue Sturmabteilung (New Storm Troopers) 12x9-in. ink and watercolor
I’m reposting from 2020 a mash-up of a 1930s Weimar era brownshirts recruiting poster and their contemporary wannabees.
Who were the SA? The Storm Troopers were recruited from economically suffering poor, disaffected workers and disgruntled veterans. They wore cheap surplus home guard uniforms from which came their “brownshirts” moniker. However, they had no official function on any level of the German government. They provided security for Nazi rallies, waged brawls with opponents of the Nazis, and intimidated Romanis, trade unionists, and Jews while legitimate authorities and ordinary citizens turned a blind eye. In short, the SA were street thugs in uniform, taking an active part in book burnings and other murderous atrocities like the Kristallnacht riot against Jewish-owned shops and synagogues.
In exchange for German military support and to eliminate his rivals in the Nazi movement, Hitler had his elite bodyguard unit, the Schutzstaffel (SS) murder the SA leadership. SA units that remained loyal to him were downsized or simply absorbed into the military. There's a lesson here for those who would pledge loyalty to a man who is loyal to none but himself.
What does brownshirt tactics look like in the present day? First, let’s not forget January 6, 2021. How about plotting to kidnap a Michigan governor; calling in bomb threats to the city of Springfield to intimidate Haitian immigrants; make death threats to county election officials and judges trying to do their jobs? Or, a Portage County sheriff instructing his deputies to note as immigrant sympathizers citizens who put up Harris-Walz campaign signs in their yards? Or, as the FBI and Department of Homeland Security warn, domestic violent extremists (DVEs) with “election-related grievances” turning to violence in the weeks before and after the November election?
Remember that the Republican candidate for President stated that among the brownshirts of today are “some very fine people”.
Political Art: 451 Degree Fahrenheit
Last week was Banned Books Week, and in the run-up to the November 5, 2024 U.S. Election I'm reposting another of my blatantly political artworks, "451 Degree Fahrenheit".
Last week was Banned Books Week, and in the run-up to the November 5, 2024 U.S. Election I'm reposting another of my blatantly political artworks, "451 Degree Fahrenheit". It's a 24x30 inch charcoal, acrylic, and collage mixed media painting last exhibited at the Pacific Grove Public Library in January of this year.
The deliberate spread of disinformation is not new, but with new information technology and AI, the ability to transmit it in volume, speed, and intensity is. A recent NPR RadioLab referenced the work of Synon Orale, a professor at MIT whose team did research on how information spreads on Twitter (now X). He was terrified to learn that lies and falsehood travel six times faster than truth to reach the same number of people.
Add to this that largely Republican state organizations are now actively working to suppress the facts and ideas in books that allow the citizens of our republic - and their children - to learn from the past and envision the future.
According to PEN America, since 2021 they've counted over 10,000 books banned in public schools - including for the July 2023-June 2024 school year. The states of Texas and Florida are leading the censorship charge."And everywhere, it is the books that have long fought for a place on the shelf that are being targeted. Books by authors of color, by LGBTQ+ authors, by women. Books about racism, sexuality, gender, history."
The books I referenced in this painting are among the most banned books of 2023, though for brevity I couldn't include every book on that list. Interesting to note that comparing this list with the most banned books of all time in the U.S., books by Toni Morrison are on both lists. I read many of these books in grade and high school during the 1960s and 1970s. Maybe you did also. Some of the schools I attended were pretty conservative, yet some of these books were required reading in those schools. Well, middle and high schoolers are being denied access to them today.
1984 - George Orwell
Maus - Art Spiegelman (a graphic novel about the Holocaust banned by the McMinn County school board in Tennessee)
Flamer - Mike Curato
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Farewell To Arms - Ernest Hemingway
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
and lastly, alluded to in my painting's title
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
In this painting, I made allusions to the German Student Union (Hitler Youth) book burnings in Nazi Germany, 1950s U.S. State Department-sanctioned book burnings during the Cold War, and a Tennessee pastor's congregation's burning of Harry Potter books. You might even find a rubber-booted governor portrayed somewhere among the jack-booted Nazis.
No books were harmed in the making of this painting, although I've discovered through experimentation that if you heat paper in a skillet to almost combustion temperature (451 degrees F.) it really stinks up the joint.
Political Art: Portrait of Konrad Heiden
There are times when subtlety is inappropriate to the urgency of the day and a two-by-four-to-the-head approach is necessary. I’ll be posting my political art in the six weeks preceding a historical election in the United States that will determine if we remain for now a democratic republic.
My general approach has been to paint and draw images more subtle in their political and psychological implications. However, there are times when subtlety is inappropriate to the urgency of the day and a two-by-four-to-the-head approach is necessary. I’ll be posting my political art in the six weeks preceding a historical election in the United States that will determine if we remain for now a democratic republic.
Konrad Heiden was a Munich-born journalist who authored three books that eventually combined into "Der Fuhrer", a definitive documentation of the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party. He first witnessed Hitler at a Nazi rally in 1921. As a university student, Heiden was a member of the Social Democratic Party, whose members engaged in protests and street fights with a growing Nazi movement. He witnessed first-hand scenes strikingly familiar in the political landscape today: disillusioned, disgruntled veterans and middle-class young men all too eager to hear a charismatic, mentally unbalanced demagogue promise to "Make Germany great again", who assigned blame for Germany's economic woes on a demonized Other: Jews, communists, Romani gypsies, and soon after that “homosexuals” “the congenitally deficient" "racially inferior" and "subhuman".
Even more alarming was the acquiescence of much of the German population, who elected the Nazi party to the majority in the German Parliament. Conservative representatives of industry, agriculture, and finance demanded that Hindenburg, the President of Germany appoint Hitler as Chancellor, which occurred on January 30, 1933. In fear for his life, Heiden was forced to flee into exile at that point.
Even then, there was unfounded confidence that a Germany proud of "freedom of speech and thought" had sufficient guardrails to prevent dictatorial rule by a "mediocre" copy of Mussolini. As Konrad Heiden and history were to show, they were wrong. Do Americans hold the same illusions today?
"Portrait of Konrad Heiden" is a 20 x 16 pastel painting I created in September 2018 that references two events:
1) Hitler's March 23, 1933 address to the German Parliament. The Reichstag would grant his request for emergency dictatorial powers, only for him to dissolve it soon after.
2) February 27, 2017 address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress by then-President Donald Trump, another mediocre copy of Mussolini.
E. M. Corpus Artworks at 480 Lighthouse Gallery
Three of my paintings are now available to art lovers and collectors for purchase and viewing pleasure at this newly opened commercial gallery in Pacific Grove, California. This gallery is the largest on the Monterey Peninsula at ten thousand square feet.
Attention all collectors and lovers of art:
Three of my paintings are now available for purchase and your viewing pleasure through December 8, 2024, at this newly opened commercial gallery in Pacific Grove, California:
Persephone In the Springtime
Are You An Angel? (An Encounter With Non-Locality).
With an exhibit space of ten thousand square feet, the 480 Lighthouse Gallery is the largest on the Monterey Peninsula.
Where: 480 Lighthouse Gallery
480 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove CA 93950
(831) 915-7848
Open Tuesday through Sunday 11 AM to 3 PM. Closed Mondays and holidays.
‘As You Like It’: Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation 2024 All-Member Exhibition at Pacific Grove Art Center Opening Friday, September 6, 2024
Three of my provocative paintings related to the Tarot’s Major Arcana are now on display alongside exemplary art by the members of the Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation (MPAF).
Three of my provocative paintings related to the Tarot’s Major Arcana are now on display alongside exemplary art by the members of the Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation (MPAF). I would love to see you there.
Where: Pacific Grove Art Foundation’s Gill Gallery
568 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
(831) 375-2208
When: September 6 - October 24, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, September 6
7:00 - 9:00 PM
The Pacific Grove Art Center is open to the public Wednesday - Saturday, 12 - 5 PM, and Sunday, 12 - 4 PM. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
E. M. Corpus’ The Yellow-Haired Girl in New Ekphrastic Book
Edward M Corpus is one of fifteen visual artists plus twenty honorable mentions whose featured art served as inspiration for one hundred thirty works of poetry and prose in Vision and Verse: A Fusion of Poetry, Prose, Art and Photography.
Edward M Corpus (that’s me, by the way ) is one of fifteen visual artists plus twenty honorable mentions whose featured art served as inspiration for one hundred thirty works of poetry and prose in Vision and Verse: A Fusion of Poetry, Prose, Art and Photography. The front cover painting is by Briahn Kelly-Brennan.
This gorgeous book edited by poet Les Bernstein was just published this July by the California Writers Club, one of the nation’s oldest professional writers’ clubs. Our local chapter of the CWC is the Central Coast Writers Association, of which I’m also a member. Several Monterey area writers contributed poetry and prose to this book.
Longtime followers of my visual art may recognize this submission to the ekphrastic collection, The Yellow-Haired Girl on page 40 of Vision and Verse. Poets Jim Wolff, Mary Langer Thompson and Roger Lubeck contributed poetry and prose inspired by my painting.
“Ekphrasis” is a literary description or commentary on a visual work of art. It’s a word of Eighteenth Century origin for an ancient literary practice, Homer’s Iliad being an early example containing ekphrastic references.
Vision and Verse: A Fusion of Poetry, Prose, Art and Photography is available for purchase on Amazon.
‘Identity: Asian American Pacific Islander’ Group Exhibition at the Pajaro Valley Arts Gallery in Watsonville, California
From the Curators’ Statement: “This exhibition contemplates our identities as Americans and our place within American culture.”
The exhibition runs from August 7 – September 22, 2024. Artist reception is on Sunday, August 11, from 2 – 4 PM - performance by Watsonville Taiko at 2:30 PM.
Pajaro Valley Arts Gallery
37 Sudden Street
Watsonville, CA 95076
EXHIBITION: Identity: Asian American Pacific Islander curated by Reiko Michisaki & Maggie Yee
August 7 – September 22, 2024, featuring the artworks of eleven AAPI artists, including five of my paintings.
Opening Reception: Sunday, August 11, 2 - 4 PM. Performance by Watsonville Taiko at 2:30 PM. I look forward to seeing you there.
Curators’ Statement:
“Embark on a journey into identity, where influences from family and friends, society and culture, age and gender shape our existence. Envision each influence imparting a unique imprint—a mosaic that captures the diverse tapestry of our lived experiences.
Consider how age molds our self-perception and influences how others see us. In this era of LGBTQ+ visibility, we celebrate diverse gender identities and depart from traditional norms.
Reflect on the unique ties that Asian cultures have to the past—balancing breaking away from historical constraints with holding onto cherished traditions and embracing diversity. This exhibition contemplates our identities as Americans and our place within American culture.
As we come together within this exhibition, we recognize the multifaceted influences shaping our unique identities. Realize the dynamic nature of identity—where each of us presents a different face to family, friends, and the broader community.
A connecting thread binds us—the shared challenges encountered on the journey of self-discovery. Imagine this journey transcending borders and cultures, becoming a collective exploration of who we are.”
‘Fantasy’ Juried Group Exhibition at the Arc Studios & Gallery in San Francisco
My first exhibition of 2024 is at the Arc Studios & Gallery in San Francisco. This is a juried national group exhibition with the theme Fantasy. Art opening and reception will be on Saturday, May 11th, 2024, from 7 - 9 PM PST. I’ll participate in the second of two artist panels on Zoom, on Wednesday, May 29th.
My first exhibition of 2024 is at the Arc Studios & Gallery. This is a national gallery and online exhibition of the work of sixty-six artists juried by Philip Bewley of Philip Bewley Art Advisors and president of the Visual Arts Council of Vita Brevis. The work of thirty-three artists including mine can be viewed at the Arc Gallery in San Francisco beginning May 11. All artists’ work is viewable in the online catalog (see below).
“Fantasy is grounded in our ancient oral traditions and mythologies and in the history of art to the present day. The exhibition, Fantasy, at Arc Studios, is a seminal contemporary exploration of the subject with extraordinary visual depictions by contemporary artists in an expansive breadth of media: painting and drawing, collage and mixed media, photography, sculpture, and more…”
Arc Gallery & Studios
1246 Folsom Street (between 8th and 9th streets)
San Francisco, California 94103
EXHIBITION: May 11 – June 8, 2024
Fantasy Opening Reception: Saturday, May 11 7 -9 PM. I look forward to seeing you there.
The first of two Fantasy ARTISTS TALKS online via Zoom is on Wednesday, May 22, 6 - 7 PM (link to be announced). I’ll be participating along with artists Victoria Hendrix Oppenheimer, Mythili Kattupalli, Natasha Dikareva, Zoe Caron, Sarah Curtiss and Donnalynne Lefever on Wednesday, May 29, 6 - 7 PM.
The Fantasy exhibition catalog with all artworks of sixty-six exhibiting artists is viewable as a Publuu Flipbook, which is also available in print for purchase on Amazon. My gallery entry The Witch (Star Jasmine) appears on page 19.
Aspire Advantage Spring 2024 Issue features ‘Boomers of Monterey County’
My Arts Council for Monterey County grant-funded portraiture project is the featured cover story of the Spring 2024 Aspire Advocate, the online and print newsletter of the Aspire Health Plan.
'Boomers of Monterey County', my Arts Council for Monterey County grant-funded portraiture project, is the featured cover story of the Spring 2024 Aspire Advocate, the online and print newsletter of the Aspire Health Plan. The Aspire Health Plan is a Medicare Advantage subscription plan serving over seven thousand retirees of Monterey County California.
My thanks to the Aspire team JoAnne Bresler, Monica Sciuto, interviewer/writer Boni Peluso, Caryn Campo and DMT Imaging photographer Michael Troutman, and a special shout to my dear friend Alison Dunton for introducing me for consideration for this feature.
‘Cycles’ Juried Group Exhibition at The Pearl Works in Monterey
This juried exhibition sponsored by Emerging Artists Alliance of Monterey and The Pearl Works features the 2D work of local emerging artists from Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties. Note: The updated Art Opening and artists’ reception will be on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00 PM.
This juried exhibition sponsored by Emerging Artists Alliance of Monterey and The Pearl Works features the two-dimensional artwork of local emerging artists from Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties. The event is free and open to the public.
Theme: Cycles explores the complete and continuous processes that shape life. This interdisciplinary selection of visual art will create a conversation about the patterns and sequences that dictate the rhythm of change.
Sex In the City: Rice Weevils is my entry to this exhibit.
Where? The Pearl Works
288 Pearl Street
Monterey, California 93940
When? Updated Art Opening will now be Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00 PM.
This exhibition is on display at the Pearl Works from March 11 to September 27, 2024. UPDATE: Closing moved forward to Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Viewers and patrons of the arts will have opportunities to experience and purchase these original works.
Eulipion Outpost: Art & Culture 9/10/2023 newsletter poses "Six Questions"
Jean Vengua, Filipinx American artist, writer, poet and activist, edits The Eulipion Outpost, a newsletter accessible on substack which explores the diverse real lives of creative artists and musicians. In Issue #115 she presented me with “Six Questions”.
Jean Vengua, Filipinx American artist, writer, poet and activist, edits the Eulipion Outpost: Art & Culture, a newsletter accessible on substack which explores the diverse real lives of creative artists and musicians. In the September 10, 2023 Issue #115 she presented me with “Six Questions”.
You can read my answers to these and other features here. Subscription to Eulipion Outpost is free for now. I’d urge you to subscribe this eye-opening and entertaining newsletter on substack.
'Ourselves We Sing' Juried Art Exhibit at Pacific Grove Public Library
Two of my works are among those selected for Pacific Grove Public Library exhibit OURSELVES WE SING: A call and response with Walt Whitman and our understanding of our American Democracy beginning 10/6/2023, juried by Christine Crozier, PGPL Library Curator. Closing reception Friday, January 5, 2024 5:30pm-7:00pm.
The exhibit is titled OURSELVES WE SING: A call and response with Walt Whitman and our understanding of our American Democracy. Two of my provocative works - 451 Degree Fahrenheit and Pretty In Pink - are among those selected for this Pacific Grove Public Library exhibit, juried by Christine Crozier, PGPL Library Curator.
Where: Pacific Grove Public Library
550 Central Ave, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Steve & Nancy Hauk Gallery
When: The exhibit and series of events runs October 6, 2023 - January 5, 2024.
Opening reception Friday, October 6, 2023 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Closing reception Friday, January 5, 2024 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Sponsored by The Pacific Grove Public Library Friends and Foundation with poetry supported by the Whitney Latham-Lechich Trust.