Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Belle Foundation Grant

With gratitude I'm extremely pleased to announce…

With gratitude I'm extremely pleased to announce that I'm the recipient of a 2019 Individual Grant from the Belle Foundation for Cultural Development.

"You have been chosen for this award as an artist who is genuinely committed to his work, and as someone who demonstrates significant potential for continued growth and accomplishment.

"The Individual Grants Program of the Belle Foundation was designed to recognize people like you, who exhibit exceptional talent and potential for achievement in the arts and humanities."

Again, my appreciation to Allysa Byrkit and the Board of Directors of the Belle Foundation for Cultural Development.

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Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

KRONOS is home

After five-and-a-half months at the Dalí…

After five-and-a-half months at The Dalí Expo (now History & Art Museum: Salvador Dalí), this past Monday, Karen and I brought KRONOS back home.

KRONOS was the interactive art installation envisioned by my wife and creative partner, Karen Warwick (warwickartandbooks.com), which we had constructed jointly over several months for her month-long solo exhibition at The Dalí Expo during August 2019.

Visitors from around the world posted many positive comments regarding the KRONOS exhibit. We’re grateful to the management of The Dalí Expo, who liked it well enough to make the decision to relocate it to in their lobby bookstore and keep it on display and freely open to the public another four months past the closing of Karen’s solo.

Public interactive participation garnered uniformly positive responses. Often visitors stood in line with their kids waiting to give it a spin.

We did not originally envision during our construction of KRONOS that it would be on daily display for so long, subject to interaction by the public. However, it stood up to the daily pounding to our delight and surprise.

We are now seeking grants to upgrade the KRONOS installation or rebirth it in more robust forms in other art venues.

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Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Portrait of Konrad Heiden and the Threat of American Fascism

…I realize now that subtle and sublime may not be enough…

I think of myself as a “cultural subversive” artist. My hope and expectation is to contribute through my art and writing to changing the culture of inequality embodied in the patriarchal paradigm. Until late 2018 my personal style had been ironic but low-key, not prone to bold statements. I realize now that subtle and sublime may not be enough.

Two of my pastel paintings, Portrait of Konrad Heiden and Pretty in Pink, mark my departure from subtlety. The 2016 election of a con man and misogynist boor to the U.S. presidency was, I perceived, a political threat to democracy here and around the world. It was the stimulus for my departure from subtle.

Now more than ever, it’s apropos to provide some background to Portrait of Konrad Heiden, even more so in the context of last week’s historic impeachment of the would-be dictator.

Who was Konrad Heiden?

My ostensible subject was a German-American journalist and historian. He witnessed and documented first hand in the 1920s and 30s the rise in Germany of the charismatic if brutish Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement. (I say “ostensible” subject; but the true subject of the best artwork is a dialogue between the mind of the artist and that of the viewer.)

Konrad Heiden documented how the cynical pragmatism of bankers, military and civic leaders sought to use Hitler and his army of street thugs in uniform, but contain him -- and how this backfired upon the world.

In the wake of the bloody consolidation of Nazi power in 1933, Heiden fled into exile to various hideouts in Germany, Switzerland and France. He was captured and imprisoned briefly, but managed to escape to the United States with the aid of the International Rescue Committee.

In 1944, Heiden published the epic biography Der Fuhrer: Hitler’s Rise to Power, a book I first read in 1971 as a teen art student attending the LaGuardia High School of Music and the Arts in New York City. Sadly, Heiden’s work is even more relevant today.

The Portrait of Konrad Heiden

This painting is dominantly dark monochrome pastel and pastel pencil, except for the spare use of color in the partial face  of Heiden, who looks directly at the viewer. An enraged if cartoonish demagogue harangues a Congressional audience presided over by an applauding Vice President and Speaker of the House, a reference to Trump’s joint address to Congress in 2017.

The section below it was adapted from a historical photograph of Adolph Hitler addressing the German parliament or Reichstag in 1933, its members uniformly acknowledging him with the Nazi salute.

What does my painting have to do with Congressional matters, and what am I attempting to address? Fascism, moral cowardice, hypocrisy, short-sighted opportunism, in a few words. These words apply not only in the repugnant remnants of the Republican Party members of Congress who have forsaken any semblance of belief in Constitutional law, but sadly also in the existence of a so-called “base” of die-hard Trump supporters who have lost their sense of moral compass.

Fascism in America 

Although the vulgar antics of Donald Trump gives high-profile encouragement to proto-fascist movements in this country and elsewhere, I must emphasize that the tragedy lies not so much in Trump himself. No, the actual tragic and frightening parallels are between the ordinary citizens of Germany who explicitly or tacitly supported Hitler in the 20s and 30s, and the legislators and ordinary citizens who continue to support Donald Trump and his administration today.

Trump is not the problem, but the ultimate putrescent symptom of the problems initiated by corporate greed and the fraud of so-called “trickle down” economics perpetrated over decades now.

For over forty years the American people have been stressed economically and socially like frogs simmering in a pot -- and continue to be stressed in ways analogous to the German people stressed by the horrors of World War I and the aftereffects of the Versailles Treaty reparations policies. While individual historical details differ, the common threads between the two historical periods are fear and the debasement of moral conscience – great masses of the population in fear for their precarious livelihoods and communities due to imbalance in the concentration of wealth, and demagogues who play upon those fears and scapegoat an “Other” as the source of what people fear. In Germany, the "Other" was Jews, communists, Slavs, homosexuals, the mentally disabled… Today, the "Other" are immigrants, foreigners of skin colors other than white, persons of differing gender orientations and increasingly, simply those who have differing views on what it means to be equal.

In 2016 I witnessed this – and as an immigrant and person of color expressed my horror of it – when a Trump campaign rally spit in the face of the face of a Latino man, and no one there – surely not Trump – spoke out against it in the name of decency. Moral obscenities have only piled on since the election within government and outside of it.

We are closer now to fascism in America than ever before – authoritarian misuse of government, an economy of massive inequality, armed extremists emboldened by the sanction of presidential indecency and ordinary citizens having legitimate anger at their displacement channeled into support of an orange-headed walking colostomy bag of lies.

While in the history of the United States there have been fascist movements and fascist sympathizers before in low and high places, they did not have the military-industrial-information complex technology and mass social media resources that exists today. Now as then, cynical pragmatism in the halls of industry, government and religion believe Trumpism can be controlled and used to ends they believe benefit them, the ends justifying the means.

With a Republican-dominated Senate that acts in lockstep with Trump’s administration, the system of executive-legislative-judicial checks-and-balances is failing in ways that could not be imagined by the founding fathers as they first conceived that component of a constitutional democracy.

At the risk of belaboring the point, Trump is not the problem but the uglified symptom of the long-festering systemic problem of patriarchal inequality that is the parent of inequalities. Yes -- he must be removed from office immediately lest the United States as a constitutional democracy goes down, taking the world with it; but if Trump were simply to disappear from politics today, the forces that created Trump, the spineless politicians and the populace who believed in him would still exist. Fear, hatred and the socio-economic environment in which these breed still exist. That’s my challenge as a creative. That’s our challenge in the period ahead.

Heiden’s Der Fuhrer ends in 1934 with Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor, followed by the contrived burning of the German parliament – the Reichstag Fire – which Hitler and his administration used to murder his opposition in the Night of the Long Knives and impose blood-drenched rule on Germany. America itself has acquiesced to fear of the Other before: witness the incarceration of Japanese-Americans at the outbreak of World War II and the Patriot Act after 9/11. The rest is history.

The Shape Of Things To Come

With Portrait of Konrad Heiden (and its companion piece Pretty In Pink) I want to invoke a remembrance of the past with the hopes that we as a nation “are not condemned to repeat it”, in the words of the philosopher and poet George Santayana. Yes, I would have preferred to convey my thoughts in subtle visual metaphor; but we live in unsubtle times. 2019 has been for me a year of struggling with personal changes. When the spirit and conscience move me, my ironic images will be more iron-fisted in their delivery in 2020 going forward.

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Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Escaping the Insanity of Things or How To Find Serenity In Moving Experiences

The house in Seaside, California had been my mother’s home…

The house in Seaside, California had been my mother’s home for three decades – and for more than the past twelve years my permanent residence and artist studio. I had vowed that while my elderly mother was still alive, it would never be sold nor lien placed upon it ; but now, Ma is gone.

Karen, my fiancée, is also an artist, and at the start of this year 2019 I moved from Seaside to the nearby town in which she lived, to start a new life with her as a full-time artist and writer. Two months prior to that, I quit my day job – hopefully done with day jobs forever.

The forty-five-year-old house in Seaside was in a state of disrepair, but I didn’t have the financial means to upgrade it. Much of its more than sixteen hundred square feet was dirty and filled with clutter. We met with a realtor to discuss a rapid sale of the Seaside house -- “as is”. With a speed that left us breathless, three weeks later we closed escrow.

In those three weeks, we sold, donated or moved to storage a number of items from the thirty years of accumulated THINGS. In the final week, movers came and hauled away tons of old furniture. Yet, closing day had finally come, and even with all furniture gone, sixteen hundred square feet was still littered with boxes, thousands of books and bags of trash -- tons of THINGS that physically could not be moved into Karen’s -- a house less than half the size.

The buyer had agreed to postpone closing for a week. That week at the end of March had come and gone, and he would budge no further. Midnight was the rock bottom deadline to be off the property that was no longer mine, a property that was to be empty – totally empty -- of all my THINGS.

After a night filled with fitful sleep and chaotic dreams, early that morning I sat with Karen at her kitchen table. “You can’t argue with the physics of space and time,” I said. There were too many things – too many to bring to our small home, too much to put in our limited storage rental, no time left to sort, pack and move it all. We were overwhelmed with THINGS.

A huge portion of those things would have to be trashed. How did this feel? It would be the equivalent of taking possessions – thousands of books, objects that had belonged to my parents and me and accumulated over thirty years – dumping them in the back yard, pouring gasoline over them and setting them on fire. If we were to pull off this caper by midnight, that is what I resolved to do. 

I’ll deviate now from my narrative to speak of what this writing is really about.

I want to speak on the subject of things: Attachment to THINGS, the memories they represent, grief that comes with loss, whether the loss be of loved ones, relationships, jobs or money, but specifically on the loss of THINGS to which we’ve become attached.

The bank account into which the money from the sale was to be deposited didn’t even exist until two days prior to closing. For the purpose of this writing, I can’t go into the complexities involved into why this was so, but even the money from the sale was a THING to be reckoned with.

What should have been our delight at our newfound income was marred by anxiety. We were anxious that our inability to fulfill the buyer’s demand that to vacate a totally emptied house would cause the deal to all come apart and come to naught.

The image that came to my mind was of Sisyphus, the arrogant king condemned to forever roll a prodigious rock up a steep mountainside, only to have it repeatedly and forever come crashing back down. To my mind, the attachment THINGS is our rocks; and our obsession with things is our own self-condemnation to roll them.

The world appears full of suffering, yet that suffering is caused by want, by desiring. For far too many in this world, the want is of dire need for the means basic survival, of food and of shelter. For others of privilege, want is simply to have – to have THINGS and to have the means to control THINGS. Somewhere I had heard that in certain cultures desiring more than what one needs is the definition of insanity.

So many of the things my parents and I accumulated over thirty years in fact were no longer needed for any practical purpose. Perhaps many of the items were never needed, either from the baseline standpoint of survival or even comfort. Articles of clothing I hadn’t worn for years; books I was unlikely to read again, if at all; objects purchased in the past that had no relevance to the present day; items that took up space, and could not be transported from a larger space to a space not even half as big.

Why then was it so hard to simply let go of unnecessary THINGS?

For me, and perhaps for many other people, things were not only “things” as objects, but memories – memories of the human interactions and events associated with the things at the point of their acquisition and use, such as at a younger, earlier time in my life or particularly memorable happy times.

How was I to let go? For one thing, by coming to recognize and express gratitude for what I had, instead of what I didn’t have; what I had gained in the quality of my life, and not the objects I was to lose.

I will also speak of my belief in a safe and loving universe. I want to believe -- and choose to believe -- in a universe that wants us all to succeed in the best terms of success; and that if we ask – individually and en masse – our success will be granted in proportion to our expectations that it will. We create our reality. I believe that the only “rule” is that my asking will not be at the expense of or harm to anyone else.

Likely, this belief of mine will be met with disbelief in my naiveté. Surely, a random scan of the daily news filled with examples of greed should disabuse me of that belief, no? Admittedly, my faith is tested often, and often for days and weeks on end.

I offer no proof of my assertion that the universe is loving and safe. I can only present my personal experience where the gods or the universe opened and responded to my need, my committed resolve, hard work and most importantly my positive expectations, manifested in events lined up and people coming through with kindness and good will in my behalf.

In The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, the mountaineer William Hutchinson Murray asserted in a statement often misattributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you.”

Be grateful in what you have all around you, and you get what you need. I believe that the truth of this has been borne out for me on a number of occasions.


In the days and weeks during and following my move from bigger-to-smaller and more-to-less, and in the context of current political and economic events I reflected on the suffering that results from the lust for things and for the control of things. From this reflection came the inspiration to paint King Sisyphus In the Underworld.

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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Taking the Flying Leap into 2019

a public service announcement: I finally went off the deep end.

Greetings and salutations for the new year, friends, patrons and sponsors!

First, a public service announcement: I finally went off the deep end.

No, I'm not being committed. You may have heard me hinting for months now (years?) that I was edging asymptotically to bidding hasta la vista to day jobs and committing myself full-time to a life of art and writing. Well, folks, I finally heeded the advice of well-wishers urging me through the years to "Go take a flying leap!" A little over two weeks ago I crossed the threshhold into role I was meant to fulfill as sole employee, artist and writer for E. M. Corpus Graphics Art.

Of course, there are at least two views from that height. Without definite sponsors, patrons and sales in hand, self-employment is UNemployment, with all the risk that entails. An analogy I've been heard to say: I'm on the high trapeze, trusting only my creative abilities -- actual, potential or imagined -- and with each leap into space I trust that a net will appear far below. So, this move comes with exhiliration, positive expectation and terror.

First things first, though. Gratitude is always a good way to start anything, including the new year.

My last art activity for 2018 was the Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation (MPAF) annual all-member exhibition in which Portrait of Konrad Heiden and Pretty In Pink were my entries. My appreciations to the MPAF staff for organizing the exhibition, as well as to the Pacific Grove Art Center for hosting it in their beautiful gallery.

Thank you to my fellow artists for delighting, provoking and inspiring us with your images and creative concepts through the stormy days of 2018.

Of course, all of us creatives would be in deep doo-ress without a public willing to view and perhaps even purchase our art. My thanks go out to you all who supported me with encouragement and with purchases of prints or original pieces. That was a great way to end 2018. Please, let's do a LOT more of it in 2019.

There's an emotional-celebral high that comes to the artist when his or her work resonates in the minds of others. When you purchase artwork or support that artist financially in ways big or small, this is even more so. It enables us to create more art -- and better art. For those of us who have taken the leap as independent artists, there are life-and-death benefits as well: rent, mortgages, health plans and car payments will continue to be made; nourishment will continue to appear on our tables.

What's in the works for 2019?

Provocative and edgier art and writing: We live in challenging times, with many basic freedoms under assault socially and politically. Too much of what passes as our "entertainment" is being used as psychological weapons against us in ways that Josef Goebbels would have envied.

Those of us who are graced with the privileges of not being under constant bombardment or the imminent threat of famine bear a great responsibility. Since pre-history, creatives of all kinds have always assumed roles as guardians and healers of the tribe. It’s a great time to be artists and writers continuing that tradition.

Though we’re once again faced with the potential of fascism in our lifetimes, we’re also given opportunities to challenge social imbalance and inequality in their forms, whether of ethnicity, gender, age, culture, economic or social station.


I'll strive to make sensitive portraiture accurately reflecting inner character as well as physical likeness, portray the otherwise unseen quirkiness of certain landscapes, create art as sublime, un-didactic and un-preachy as possible.

Yet, I now also feel compelled to step up the stridency of my images and words, commenting on and reflective of the anxiety and tension provoked by these unsubtle times -- in myself, as well as society at large.

Making It: So, how am I going to survive long enough to consistently deliver to you creative content in the form of my art and writing?

An illustrated graphic auto-biography and a graphic novel Extreme Dreams are in the works now.

I'll step up promotion of direct sales of new acrylic, pastel, watercolor and multi-media works, larger and more compelling than I've created so far.

There's the never-ending marketing and promotional work to do that's the bane of independent creatives, always on-the-lookout for social media outlets, commission and grant opportunities.

And of course, there's you. If you’re among the fortunate who can purchase original artwork or prints directly from me and other independent artists, great! I hope you will. Please attend my events, go to my website emcanimator.com, and contact me at emcorpus@emcanimator.com or (831) 277-6673. My undying thanks to those who have already supported me in this way.

Or maybe you might just want to give what you can – in small amounts or bigger amounts – just because you really like what I do, and want me to keep doing it. Patreon is one way by which you can help. The upcoming overhauls to my website emcanimator.com will soon contain a link to Patreon. (Patreon lets you pledge regular monthly contributions in whatever amounts that feel affordable to you -- amounts as little as $2 a month -- but amounts that cumulatively add up to my ability to purchase new paints, pay art exhibit fees, or simply continuing to write hard-hitting blogs and newsletters free from commuting to-and-from full-time day jobs (or the risk getting fired).

Contributors can obtain various prizes based on contribution levels called reward tiers. With steady contributions, you’ll get advance notice of new art and exhibits, and samples of original art or writing not seen by the general public. I’ll come up with niftier rewards as I get good at this. Your input on this, please.

I so appreciate all my supporters – the existing ones and those soon-to-be. Think about it -- you get to be my Cosimo de Medici. (Or, Lorenzo; or, Marie. Pick one.) The Medici helped spark a cultural revolution that became the Renaissance. Now more than ever we need to subvert that culture of inequality and injustice, and replace it with a Renaissance of love and inclusion. I'd be so glad to have you on board to help me do just that.

Solo Exhibition: I'm anticipating my first solo exhibition tentatively set for the autumn at a prominent and high-visibility gallery. It may be a litte premature to tell you where, but keep an eye out on my social media, website and newsletters for when I do.

That's the story so far. 2019 and beyond portend to be tumultuous years. I'm looking forward to a role in shaping the course of the time ahead as artists have done before. My thanks in advance for helping me do so.

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In Memoriam: Bruno "Pete" Peters

In July a great man departed this mortal time and space…

In July a great man departed this mortal time and space, and left the company of devoted family and friends. He passed on just eight weeks short of his one-hundred-first birthday. I considered him a dear friend, and during the all-too-brief time I knew him he allowed me the privilege of rendering two portraits his likeness. I would like to honor his memory in this post.

He was Lieutenant Colonel Bruno Peters, U.S. Army Air Corps, (Ret). I met him and his wife Patti in 2004, through their daughter, my friend Mohini Wendy Peters.

Pete and Patti were always warm and welcoming to me from the day I met them in Torrance, California. When I first spoke with Patti and referred to her husband as “Mr. Peters”, she immediately corrected me, “Pete”. Since then I always felt welcome in their presence.

The portraits portray him at stages in his life exactly seventy years apart.

In The Quiet Man (1) I envisioned him as the twenty-seven year old fighter pilot, Captain Bruno Peters, flight leader of 355th Squadron.

In The Quiet Man (2), he’s just Pete as I knew him, still blowing notes on his saxophone. I painted this as a gift for his ninety-seventh birthday.

He flew (and crashed) all kinds of fighter aircraft during World War II, and piloted transport planes during the Korean War.

However, he was most renowned as an aviator with the 354th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force -- the Pioneer Mustangs, the first unit to fly the renowned North American P-51, in both their B and D models.

I was privileged to attend a couple of veterans’ reunions of the 354th. It was obvious that he was held in high regard by everyone, as a pilot and as a man.

Although much has been said and written about his heroism as an aviator – all of it well-deserved -- I was always most impressed by his humility.

During the time I was taking night classes while working full time, I was assigned the writing of an essay and then to speak about its topic before a live audience. My choice of topic then was what’s been referred to as “The Greatest Generation”. This included interviews with Pete regarding his WWII experiences. He was reluctant to make much of them. To him, he was just doing his job. He seemed to have more enjoyment recounting the times he had crashed various of his planes in non-combat situations, than recounting experiences in actual combat.

I loved his saying that “all I ever wanted to do was fly airplanes and play in the band”.

I've excerpted portions of his obituary below:

"...Bruno was born on September 12, 1917 in Minneapolis, MN, to Bernice Dabravalskiai and Alexander Petraitis. Bruno was the oldest of five children. His father and mother emigrated from Lithuania, in 1906 and 1913, respectively. The family settled in the Detroit, Michigan area where Alexander worked for Ford Motor Company. Bruno became an accomplished violin musician at an early age and often performed with his father at Lithuanian celebrations. Bruno left home at the age of 14, and graduated from High School in Royal Oak, Michigan.He joined the Army Air Corp during World War II. He flew more than 100 missions in the P51 Mustang, out of England and France with the Pioneer Mustang Group. Most of his missions involved escorting bombers to and from their targets. He is credited for downing one of the first German jets, the ME262. During the war, he took up the saxophone, which he played for most of his life. After the war he continued his career in the Air Force and retired as Lt. Colonel in 1968.Bruno met and married Patti Helen Ruth Moore (April 29, 1926 – July 29, 2010) on August 22, 1944. Due to his career in the Air Force, the family moved all over the United States, and also lived in France for 3 years. After retiring from the Air Force, Bruno and Patti settled in Phoenix, AZ where he worked for the Gannett Newspaper. During that time, Bruno and Patti enjoyed antiquing together, and acquired hundreds of collectables. Bruno led the Pete Peters Swing Band, playing for special events and for fun. He and Patti enjoyed traveling and went to many reunions of the 354th Fighter Pilot Group.In 1997 they moved to Torrance, California. Shortly after the death of his wife Patti, in 2010, Bruno bought a home in Santa Cruz where he lived with his daughter, Wendy, until his death..."

The photo below is from last September, 2017 when we celebrated him at his 100th birthday.

Photo Courtesy of Ken Peters

The obituary credits him with shooting down an ME262A. However, it's probable that he actually took down a second, an ME262-1, though it was not officially confirmed. His wingman, Lt. Ralph Delgado took down a third -- totaling three ME262s in the area of Fulda and south of Kassel region of central Germany.

There are many books on the exploits of the Pioneer Mustangs, which were the first to fly the P-51D, the bubble canopy Mustang that had the engine power and fuel capacity to escort and defend bombers all the way to the Third Reich’s territory. The acclaimed Redtails of the 332nd Fighter Group -- the Tuskegee Airmen -- were P-51Ds as well.

The most succinct and inexpensive book I'd recommend to the casual reader is An Ordinary Day in 1945, by Peter Kǎǎsák. With photos and illustrations it tells of all the action seen by the 8th and 9th Air Force during one day, March 2, 1945. That was the day that Capt. Peters and his wingman Lt. Delgado took down the ME262s. (Barely six months later, Bruno would marry his beloved Patti.) A Google search on "Bruno Peters" would produce many excerpts on him, and more vintage fighter pilot photos as well. You can see Bruno Peters and hear him speak on a YouTube video from a series on the 354th FG. Even as he speaks of his experiences, his humility and self-deprecating humor are clearly evident.

His memorial was held this July 28th, 2018, which I attended. I spoke of him fondly as I do now, but it was difficult holding it all in. In the early evening, we boarded a whale-watching boat out of Capitola for his burial at sea amidst the dolphins. Mohini’s brother Ken released into the waves an eco-friendly urn in the shape of a sea turtle containing Bruno's ashes and those of his wife Patti. We cast yellow roses in the wake.

There’s much more -- a whole lot more that could be said about him – his quiet valor, kindness and wry humor… It’s certain many will speak of him for some time to come. In closing, though, I’d include in my personal remembrance his big-hearted generosity.

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"Father and Children" Watercolor Process Video

we need examples and models of sensitive, nurturing good men…

Now, more than ever, we need examples and models of sensitive, nurturing good men to contradict the culture of patriarchy. I created a watercolor painting to celebrate kind and aware fathers, and the children they help raise as the hope of our civilization.

This process video was the first that I ever created for Instagram; and the first video I've created in a long time of any kind. 37 seconds of footage literally took me all day to composite. As I get better at it there will be more created, of better quality and appearing faster and more regularly. (Created 4/22/2018) 

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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Indie Kindred: A Short Review (Guys, You Need To Listen To This)

Just watched the 2015 documentary Indie Kindred tonight.

You’ll have to buy Indie Kindred or rent it on Vimeo.com, or through the indiekindred.com website. Neither Netflix or Amazon Prime carry it to stream, though they should.*

Coming from a guy who's typically a loner and recluse (I feel I work best when I work alone), I can’t thank enough or sufficiently praise producer/director Jen Lee and the kindred visual, musical and literary women artists who collaborated to make this thought-provoking work that stresses just the opposite practice.

Yes, it’s a film about the experience of women creatives. Yes, there’s surely a powerhouse of female energy being generated and felt here. If you simply dismiss it as a "girly" film, then that speaks to the problem that the mutual respect, collaboration, egalitarianism, vulnerability and love that's expressed in this documentary is so utterly alien to so many men.

Sadly, it’s totally predictable that many men just won't "get it". This is NOT because it's hard-wired into our biology. It’s NOT male "human nature", no matter what wrong-headed truisms say to the contrary.

But it is hard-wired into the male patriarchal, go-it-alone, better than / less than, cut-throat-competitive, dominate-and-conquer-at-all-costs culture into which we're born, indoctrinated and which continues to impact us well into adulthood.

I've made it my spiritual mission as an artist to subvert that culture -- and these women have inspired me to reach out to more collaborators – men and women -- to help me do so.

I strongly urge guys in the creative fields to spend an hour to witness what these women have created, and the benefits to individual creative work they all agree comes from that kind of synergy.

*UPDATE: I just discovered that Jen Lee Productions has recently released Indie Kindred on YouTube for easier viewing and sharing.

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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

2018: Looking Forward, With An Eye In the Rearview Mirror

For me, 2017 was a mixed bag of lows and highs indeed.


Maybe Not So Crazy

Black ink on paper.5" x 5" (12.7 cm x 12.7 cm)

For me, 2017 was a mixed bag of lows and highs indeed. I’m grateful that on balance the highs prevail. My practice as a “culturally subversive artist” was a significant factor in the highs.Half the year was occupied weathering personal crises of varying severity, including significant health scares. For the moment I appear to have dodged those bullets. My gratitude goes to healers, professional and professing, from whom I benefit in ways big and small. Other events occurred, which momentarily rocked me hard back onto my heels.In a larger context, I’ve grown more anxious in the past couple of years at the looming political-economic environment. The events of this past year have raised my level of alarm.

Truly I would say we’re living in the best of times and the worst of times.

What the Dickens do I mean by this?

 It’s the worst (and worsening) time in that fascism has emerged in the U.S. as a popular movement with significant foothold in official government and policy on multiple levels. I’m warily on-the-lookout for Reichstag fire-style incidents that bring this to an even more violent and established stage.For creatives and humanists it’s a great time for us to be alive and vibrant, exercising our birthright in finding solutions to these challenges for this nation and the world.To quote the acclaimed author and activist Riane Eisler, “the degree of emancipation of women is an index of the degree of a society’s emancipation.”1 I’m heartened by the resurgence of women on a mass scale this year past asserting and reclaiming their equality and right to respect, as this portends the potential to humanize society as a whole.In my own personal life, I’m grateful to a network of supportive friends, who show me love in the best of ways.I’ve benefited in past years from teams of dedicated men’s counselors whose aim is to facilitate men learning to live more fulfilling lives as partners, parents and friends, and as champions for all children, women -- and other men, as they redefine their roles and identities. I’m proud to have been able to pay forward some of those benefits as a volunteer myself.  As I approached the milestone of my sixty-fourth birthday in the month of September, I concluded my fifth consecutive team participation.Completing several paintings gave me great joy and satisfaction; and I ended the year 2017 with a new portrait painting underway.The great time and effort spent over many months resulted in a portfolio website and blog I've upgraded to my satisfaction. I began publishing a newsletter, which I look forward to sending out on a more reasonable and timely basis notifying subscribers of art events in which I participate and of the more substantial writing content in my blog -- and I'm grateful to a growing list of subscribers. Thank you!Speaking of art events and exhibits, I participated in six this year. I might have even over-extended myself in this regard, given that I still work a full-time day job that entails commute times burdensome to say the least. (Hint: That may change sooner than later -- so, stay tuned, folks!)Of these events, my best art sales to date occurred at a well-attended open studio at the end of September. I’m looking forward to bigger, more consistent and more frequent sales – more, more!

I made my first – and successful – forays into the medium of comic art and a long-in-coming return to pen-and-ink work. Using the vehicle of Inktober, I produced thirty-one concept drawings, some of which I’m happy to say can stand alone as respectable artwork in their own right. You can now be assured of seeing more of both comic art and ink in 2018 and beyond.


Time TravelerBlack ink on paper.

5" x 5" (12.7 cm x 12.7 cm)

What are my hopes and expectations for 2018, especially the next nine-and-a-half months leading into my sixty-fifth birthday?


My intention is toward a deeper self-mastery over triggered, childhood-rooted negative emotion.It’s taken me a lifetime to engrain these in my neural pathways, so they are tenacious; but I’ve come a long way in the past five-and-a-half years.Increased self-mastery this year will include moving faster up the emotional scale from these negative states whenever they rear their ugly heads to intermediate stages of letting go and self-care, and then moving on to hopefulness, optimism and positive expectation. 

Creatives take note: there’s a lot of explosive energy stored up in emotion. Much of that energy is wasted in either bottling up emotion through fear, or in letting it fly uncontrolled in wrong-headed directions. My expectations are that I'll express my creative energy in more dynamic art of emotional depth.I now have no doubt that “subversive art” is my voice and my mission. I’m contributing to subvert the patriarchal culture that was centuries in the making as the dominant paradigm.To my view, the prevailing culture is the “operating system” by which society runs, which underlies the basic assumptions on “how it is”. To extend the analogy, we live under a deeply flawed operating system with bad code embedded every hundred lines or so within it. It’s a system that continues to chug along, with crashes that increasingly endanger the subsystems within it. I see my role as a subversive artist not in “fixing” a bad operating system, but scrapping and replacing it altogether, even as I help engineer the workarounds that allow various beneficial subsystems and applications to survive in the meantime.At the same time as I’m striving to make my art a vehicle for social transformation, I’m also increasingly rigorous in defining it as my spiritual practice.I’m searching for and discovering ways that the visual images I make can better reflect the unseen and universal – the ineffable (play with THAT!), the noumena, if you will. The dreaming of dreams and the making of images are how I connect with that which is larger than our immediate physical existence in time and space.While those are my “resolutions” for 2018, I fully realize that they – along with spiritual practices in search of wholeness – are tasks for a lifetime and beyond.  

1 Riane Eisler. The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future. (New York: Harper Collins 1995)

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Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Comic Art: Not Just For Your Kids Anymore

doing research on all aspects of how comic art is actually made…

Over the past year, besides going back to reading the classics of comic art or discovering new ones, I've been doing research on all aspects of how comic art is actually made. I've been exploring what it might take to parlay my fictional writing (and true life experiences) into a socially aware graphic novel "Extreme Dreams". For those of you who haven't read comic books since childhood, comic art is a serious art form. Graphic novels have won the Pulitzer prize. Doctoral theses have been presented using the graphic novel medium.

Extreme Dreams is about a socially un-aware man with unreliable psychic abilities (which we all have, more or less). He's introverted, surly and harbors many of typically male sexist and homophobic attitudes, if not overtly. Tragic events force him to seek out unlikely allies and re-examine his life in order to unravel their source.

(This is my first attempt at a three-sentence elevator pitch. How am I doing?) At a comic con workshop last year, one piece of advice I received from comic artists Ryan Sook and Alex Sheikman was that even if I primarily wanted to write comic scripts, publishers ultimately want to see visual examples of my concepts, i.e., even if I had to rope other artists into doing that part of the work, we'd still have to be able to present hard copy visual comic art.Problem, though. I've never actually drawn comic art; and as of October 2017, except for a few timid and tepid doodles done on the sly during my day job conference calls, I hadn't done any real ink drawing in seventeen years. Long story behind that one -- involved a woman, as so many stories do. Tell you another time; or maybe not.So, I decided to perform an experiment: during the month of October (roughly), I participated in "Inktober". For those of you who aren't familiar, Inktober is an artistic challenge originated by Jake Parker eight years ago in which thousands of creatives around the world now participate. Thirty-one days in October, in which to make thirty-one pieces of art using only ink. There are "official" prompts one can use; or one can just wing it. Hey, we're artists -- we don't follow no stinkin' rules.I began to post drawings on my Instagram, with the intention of completing thirty-one ink drawings – with the added commitment to make them in a comic art “style”.Now into the second week of November, I've just completed "Day 31". Life -- which “happens when you're busy making other plans” -- intervened many times, plus realizing that not all of these drawings could be done as quick-and-dirty as I thought they could be. Once I actually began to post drawings, it just didn't feel like part of my commitment to simply submit a five-minute doodle; so, I lost a lot of sleep around this, and dishes piled up unwashed in the sink for days at a time. (Well, OK, some truth-telling here: I'm living a bachelor's existence. The dishes pile up, inktober or no.)Thirty drawings constitute a kind of storyboard for what may eventually evolve into a graphic novel. I say "might", because as any of you who actually have more experience in doing comic art know, it's a hellofalot of work to research, write, compose, pencil draw line art, ink, color and letter comic art -- not to even mention publishing and maybe, just maybe, make money off them.Maybe when I retire from my day job in two year? Six years? Maybe I can't/don't want to do it all by myself, and instead find collaborators? Maybe crowd fund a graphic novel? Who the hell knows what may come of it, if anything. If you get a winning lottery ticket, keep me in mind, please.For me the point of Inktober was to finally get started doing something -- anything -- with ink and with comic art. 

Though I want all of my artwork generally to express social awareness -- and I believe my new comic art falls within that criteria -- not all of it necessarily fit in the context of this website. I'll post it here whenever it does. (One of these -- #20 in the Instagram posts, but which I've since titled Time Traveler) is actually hanging in the Walter Lee Avery Gallery now through December 13, 2017 as part of the Fall Adult Competitive exhibition.) For the moment you'll need to go to my Instagram.com/emcorpus to see the entire series. They're in the order of most recent to older posts; so you'll have to work your way back to #1 and go forward.Remember, I'm totally new to this; so please be kind (if you can manage being kind -- but if not, I can take it, being a Boomer and now having entered the ranks of the old guys. Old guys rule.)I'll have more to say about these subjects; but I also invite your comments and discussion.


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Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Why My Art Is ‘Subversive’ -- and How That Matters to You

“…to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals…

In recent times, I’ve chosen to characterize my visual and literary practice as “culturally subversive art”.Merriam-Webster defines subversion as “a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system.” To subvert is “to overturn or overthrow from the foundation, ruin, by persons working secretly from within”. Ooh! Or, how about this? “…to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith”. 

Merriam-Webster defines subversion as “a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system.” To subvert is “to overturn or overthrow from the foundation, ruin, by persons working secretly from within”...“…to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith” 

This word carries something of an emotional charge. Sounds dangerously anti-social and unwholesome, doesn’t it? Maybe even criminal.“Why do you call your artwork ‘subversive’?” I’ve been asked, often with dubious looks of dismay, or uneasy amusement.I’ve set for myself an ambitious task in my own modest way of ambition -- to overthrow, undermine, overturn, ruin, pervert, corrupt and undermine a centuries-old social paradigm, and the attitudes, beliefs and social practices that attend to it. 

So, what’s this social paradigm on which I’ve tilted my lance point?Its current model is what sociologist and historian Riane Eisler calls the dominator society, as opposed to a partnership society.*It’s a patriarchal society where attitudes and practices of domination, control and winning at any and all costs pre-dominate.Does this sound familiar to you? It’s a paradigm where violence – overwhelmingly male violence -- is implicit, passed forward from generation to generation as a socially sanctioned blood curse.Let me make this dominator society more concrete for you, if it isn’t already: inequality in socio-economic, ethnic, gender, age and racial forms, bullying in our schools, campus rape, physical and emotional abuse in our families…So, this is a clue for you.While running a thread of subversion through my artworks, I try to avoid being didactic and preachy. My intention is to create art with a social conscience, not propaganda. Notwithstanding Master Yoda on “trying” versus “do or not do”, I have no illusion that I’ll always succeed.


Illustration by Gustave Doré of Don Quixote Tilting At WindmillsCervantes, Miguel. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha

Neither do I think that every piece I create needs to be grim with the weight of its perceived mission of cultural revolution. There’s much in our world over which to feel angry and despondent. Feeling angry all the time, however, or being around angry people all the time, gets tiresome.In fact, whimsy and humor is often the best way to point out the absurd and ridiculous ways that attitudes of “win” “dominate” and “conquer” at any cost often manifest in everyday life and popular culture, from sports to entertainment to business to sexual relationships.Sometimes, I just like being contrary to convention. It can be fun (though I run the risk of indulging my darker passive-aggressive side with this.) 


As an Asian-American male now almost four years into the sixth decade of my life (all of which presents their own sets of challenges), I continue to subvert the remnants of my own attitudes, beliefs, assumptions, prejudices and social practices as I determine these are no longer congruent to leading a life with deep, intimate, more fulfilling relationships. Shaking or even kicking over the shit bucket is one of the best ways to shake myself up.I’d much rather laugh at myself than beat myself up, though. There was too much of the latter in my life, literally. It would be cool if I could get you laughing, too. Maybe you might find some of my art funny.

Admittedly, as with political and military subversion, there are risks, costs and penalties to being a cultural subversive – even meeting with violence at one extreme, but often also condemnation to social isolation and ostracism.I’m of the opinion that much of what has become the popular image of the “insane” artist derives from creative individuals being driven to insanity by isolation for being “different”. (Be-on-the-lookout for a blog post – or rant – from me on this topic.) No wonder Merriam-Webster states that subversion is done “by persons working secretly from within”.Let me conclude by introducing one more charged word: For a subversive to organize or solicit others to subversion is called conspiracy.I actually find conspiracy to be a lovely word. Its Latin roots “con spire” literally mean “to breathe together”. When people act in conjunction with each other to do good things, however, another word that can define this kind of breathing together is partnership.

I actually find conspiracy to be a lovely word.Its Latin roots “con spire” literally mean “to breathe together”.

While we might at times have to “work secretly from within” for operational security, the best kind of conspiring is done out in the open, inclusive of greater and greater numbers, as opposed to exclusively for a privileged few. That partnership society is the kind of social paradigm I’m dedicated to help create through the open practice of visual art and writing.I have more to say about this “cultural subversion” concept, a lot more; and there will be more that I'll write. Art is not as removed from everyday life as some would have people believe, so as to give a justification to eliminate it from social and educational programs; and I’ll have more to say about that.To help me rope you into my conspiracy, -- and yes, I want us to conspire -- I have in the works a series of blog posts for the near future, including on one of my favorite teachers in cultural subversion, Rembrandt Van Rijn.In the meantime, your thoughts, please?

*Eisler, Riane. The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.

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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Upcoming Blog Posts To Provoke Your Interest and Your Ire

Here’s a teaser list of proposed upcoming blog posts…

Here’s a teaser list of proposed upcoming blog posts, not necessarily in any particular hierarchy or proposed order that I write and post them. Some of them are already up, so please check them out:

  • All Children Are Born Creatives. (So, Why Are Adults So Dull?)

  • How I Learned To Be Subversive From Rembrandt Van Rijn

  • Spanking: For Adults Only (alternate title -- Not for Dogs, Nor for Children)

  • How Male Culture is a Violence Culture

  • “To the Moon, Alice!” How Boomers Were Damaged In the ‘50s

  • The Superman Chronicles: Socio-pathologies of the ‘50s

  • How to Turn Children Into Monsters

  • How Violence Pervades Social Discourse Today

  • Every Man’s Debt to the Women’s Movement

  • Nightmares: Why I Have No Bad Dreams

  • Why I Hate Picasso and Arbus

  • Stiletto Heels, I Get It. Gas Masks? I Don’t Get It. Do You?

  • How to Give Appreciations to Artists (or Anyone)

  • How to Give Artists (or Anyone) Critiques

  • How Childhood Trauma Impacts Creativity

  • Looking For Reality? It Ain’t On TV

  • Why I Don’t Make Art With Werewolves

  • How to Teach Art (or Anything) Without Shame

  • The Dorothy, Toto, Lion, Scarecrow and Tin Man Archetypes In Our Lives Today

  • “Artistic Nudes” vs. Pornography

  • Are There Differences Between Porn and Erotica?

  • Why Pornography Will Never Have Legitimacy

  • Can Artists Be Champions?

  • The Dubious Ethics of [Graphic Design] Internships

  • Artist Insanity: Myth or Truth?

  • Women Getting Bad Raps: The Myth of Pandora

  • Women Getting Bad Raps: The Myth of Medusa

  • The Reality of Children’s “Imaginary Friends”

  • Making Masks That Reveal

Your feedback is always appreciated, good, bad, lukewarm or indifferent. I invite controversy. I don’t expect agreement, only intelligent and respectfully passionate discussion of vital topics, and it's not to say my mind can't be changed.Which topics do you want me to address first? Which ones freak you out? If the subject makes you cringe with discomfort, that might signal that it's a good one to explore.

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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

My New Year's Greetings to You -- and Intentions for 2017

…who I am as an artist, and my creative intentions for…

It’s 2017, a new year, and I owe you all -- and myself -- a restatement of who I am as an artist, and my creative intentions for the period ahead.First of all, thank you for dropping by and viewing my art. Thanks to all my followers and  creative friends. I invite you to check in on all my blog and social media entries, too. These tie in closely with how I think about art and the lives of creatives like us. Oh, and please sign up for an outrageous newsletter. I think it's worth your while.


In December, I attended a Comic Con in Salinas, California to explore the prospects of turning serious writing I’ve been working on for years into graphic novels that explore ideas on intolerance and inequality -- whether it be racial, sexual, age, economic or social -- and the process of discovery of one's self and place in existence.Some very informative workshops and panels there pointed me in a better direction towards what I need to know and approaches to take -- not only towards comic artists, editors and publishers in producing graphic novels -- but promoting any of my art and writing. One of the most important take-aways was to be able to quickly and succinctly describe my story, character, concept or whatever in three sentences or less to whomever I’m pitching.

  • My art is humanist, asserts and celebrates that people matter, aiming to champion the humanity of all children, women and men – and the natural universe in which we exist.

  • My art is subversive, using visual and literary metaphor to subvert dominant patriarchal and intolerant cultural practice, even if flying in the face of "popular" opinion. We create our own reality -- and the monsters that show up in it through abuse, abandonment and neglect.

  • There’s more to reality than what we experience simply through our immediate physical senses. My art is mystical art, describing through visual metaphor the indescribable, and making visible the invisible.

  • Art is my spiritual practice. (By "spiritual", I mean whatever journey one may be on to find wholeness and meaning in life. If you don’t like the word “spiritual”, that’s fine, and I can live with that. I hope you get the spirit of my practice.)

Okay, that’s more than three sentences; but I’ll get better at it, with your feedback and collaboration. Comments are welcome.

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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

The Art of Trauma and Transcendence 9/24 - 9/25/2016 in Arts Habitat Monterey County Open Studios Tour

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFor Further Information, Please Contact:Edward M. Corpus emcorpus@emcanimator.com (831) 277-6673 emcanimator.com THE ART OF TRAUMA AND TRANSCENDENCE SEASIDE, CA – September 12, 2016 – Seaside resident Edward M. Corpus will be one of 104 artists participating in Art Habitat’s 26th Annual Monterey County Open Studios Tour. His home studio at 9 Miguel Court in Seaside will be open for visitors to view and purchase his original artwork and prints on the weekend of September 24th and 25th.He characterizes the often edgy and quirky style of art he creates as “horrendous and beautiful stories of trauma and transcendence,” and “subversive of popular culture”. Tinged with dark themes, they aim to draw attention to social and cultural conflicts -- and their potential resolution.A life-long artist, he works in traditional artists’ media such as graphite, charcoal, watercolor and acrylic paints. He draws as well on his training in digital graphic design from California State University Monterey Bay's Information Technology and Communications Design program to create digital-based computer composited artwork.“Be advised,” he cautions. ”Some of my work evokes emotional disquiet. It is after all a visual dialogue between the artist (me) and the viewer on the impacts of psychological and physical distress. However, I also use the healing light of self-knowledge, humor and ironic story-telling to point towards reclamation of childhood innocence, transcendence and creative beauty.”His website at emcanimator.com shows a sampling of his visual style. Caution: NSFW -- "not safe for work".Exhibitions of Monterey County artists’ work will run through October 14th at Hartnell College Gallery and through October 27th at Pacific Grove Art Center, where the gala will be held on Friday, September 24th between 7 and 9 PM.A color catalog and map of all participating artists and venues is available for viewing and download from the Arts Habitat website


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Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

Arts Habitat Monterey County Reception at Pacific Grove Art Center

artist edward m corpus standing in front of paintings at Pacific Grove Art Center 2016

Thank you!"s to fellow artists Jim Lambert and Germain Hatcher for these portrait pics.

"Thank you!"s all around to organizers, participating artists, friends and supporters at the well-attended reception last night, Friday 9/2/2016 for the Arts Habitat Monterey County Open Studios Tour. My pastel nude study Lisa Redux is one of the many art works on display at the Pacific Grove Art Center, through October 27, 2016.

Please mark your calendars for the Gala on Friday 9/23, followed by the open studios tour Saturday and Sunday, September 24th and 25th, 2016.

Visit the Arts Habitat Monterey County Open Studios Tour website and download the catalog and maps to the studios of 104 participating Monterey area artists, including yours truly.

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Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus Featured Posts, Reflections and Rants Edward M Corpus

How Male Culture Is a Culture of Violence

…There’s an age-old sickness in our society that…

I believe that every human being is born a creative – whether in the making of visual images, the willful manipulation of sound as music, expressing movement of the body through space in dance, enhanced communication through the poetic use of words… The Latin words ingenium and ingeniare denote cleverness to contrive or devise. Hence even the engineer who invents and assembles structures is first and foremost born an artist.

Sadly, the creative, artistic modes of thinking and feeling are murdered or maimed beyond recognition in many people. This often takes hold as early as the age of four, and tragically far gone by adolescence. There’s an age-old sickness in our society that I seek to address, and it expresses itself as male culture.Male culture in our society (for the moment I’ll address Western male society in particular) is a rape culture, a culture of dominance, a child abusive culture -- not a culture of nurturance. Violence is hard-wired into male culture.

As a result every man is a walking time bomb. Some men explode with destructive impact on those around them—spouses, children, associates, strangers, other men. Women have far too long borne the brunt of male violence and oppression. Other men quietly implode into addiction, depression and psychogenic-induced physical illnesses, or some combination of all of the above.

It persists because it’s socially sanctioned. It’s passed on from generation-to-generation, father-to-son as a kind of social blood curse. It’s ingrained in the playground and sports field rites of passage by which boys are terrorized into becoming so-called "men". Few if any survive it whole.

I believe it need not be this way.

My intention is to contribute to healing and social transformation through an art that expresses the truth -- whether through brutal honesty or through the celebration of beauty. I’ll have much more to say regarding these matters in the coming weeks and days how this might be done. I’ll say it as graphically, repeatedly and from as many angles as I can devise, here on this blog and through other social media. But it needs to be said starting now. Won't you join me in the conversation? Won't you help me in the social transformation?

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