My First Composition of 2021

This week I completed painting The Tower, which you can view here.

It's my first composition of 2021. At four feet in height (30 x 48 inches) it's also my largest painting to date.

Anyone out there familiar with the Tarot? In the description I include an excerpt from Pamela Aiken's Tarot of the Spirit.

The XVI Key -- the Tower -- first presents as an ominous card, a "hard" card to take on first glance, since it warns of an ascendance to knowledge occurring through the destruction of old, outdated and outgrown structures. Emphasis on "destruction" meaning that insights are gained in the midst of drastic conditions and disruption of the status quo.

As I note, it kind of summarizes my 2020; and the changes are still in progress.

Let me know what you think.


Tenth Author Portrait: Maya Angelou (circa 1973)


New Studio Space